Our Specialities


Edhini, a unit of Calicut Ayurveda Hospital and Research Centre, is a leading healthcare provider based in Calicut, India, with ground-breaking advances in holistic
treatments for physical and mental wellness.

Ortho Neuro Rehabillitation

Edhini provides the best and effective treatments for a wide range of neurological disorders. We are specialised in Post Stroke Management, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsonism, Neuropathies and Migraine. Our integrated approach coupled with Ayurvedic Panchakarma and Physiotherapy fastens the recovery.

Spine & Joint care

Today’s gadget oriented lifestyle adversely affects our joints, neck and even the spine. Get relieved from all such ailments at Edhini. We have a specialised team to put you back into normal happy days. Special treatments area available for Cervical and Lumbar Spondylosis, Spondylitis, Inter Vertebral Disc Prolapse, Arthritis, Rheumatic Fever, Sports Injuries, Stress Injuries, Tennis Elbow, Golfers Elbow, Plantar Fasciitis, Frozen Shoulder etc.


Assessment and therapy for various Orthopedic and Neurological disorders including LBA, Neck pain, Disc prolapse, Post-surgical cases with impaired mobility, Arthritis, RSI due to postural abnormalities. Neurological cases like Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons disease, stroke, Traumatic Brain injury, etc.


With a motherly approach, Edhini listens and takes care of you providing successful solutions to all your problems including Menstrual Irregularities, Painful Menstruation, PCOS, Uterine Fibroid, Ovarian Cysts, Cervicitis, Pelvic Infections, Vaginal Discharges and Obstetrics. We are also specialised in dealing with Infertility and pregnancy related ailments. We have facilities for Preconceptional Counselling and Care.

Postnatal Care

Post delivery, the mother’s health may become weak due to the loss of fluid and blood and the emptiness created in the body. Get it restored naturally at Edhini. We provide complete care including diet plans, stress and anxiety management, weight management and physiotherapy. Moms will be back to pre pregnancy physique and and energetic mind.


Edhini lays the foundation of good life. The childhood decides the future. In Pediatrics we give importance to the physical, mental and psychological growth of a child. Apart from giving the best treatments for pediatrics diseases, we have a special division for the management of developmental disorders like Cerebral Palsy, Autism, ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Speech Delay and Down Syndrome.

Lifestyle Diseases

Edhini Ayurveda provides better solution to lifestyle diseases like Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Dyslipidemia, and Obesity associated with cardiovascular ailments. Panchakarma kind of detoxification and bio-purification procedures, medications and rejuvenation therapies yield best results naturally. Our expert panel will give valuable advice to maintain a healthy way of living away from recurrence.

Anorectal Care

Get it pacified permanently. We provide best surgical and para surgical treatment for all kinds of anorectal disorders like Piles, Fistula, Fisure etc with emphasis on preventive and curative aspects of the diseases.


Get healthy, glowing skin without harmful chemical applications. Natural healing is permanent. We have a whole variety of treatments for usual skin disorders including Eczema, Psoriasis, Lichen Planus, Dermatitis, Scabies, Vitiligo, Varicose Ulcer, Chronic Ulcers, Corns etc. Special therapy like Blood Letting and Cauterization is available exclusively. Common skin problems like redness, swelling, and infection can be cured in minimum amount time at Edhini.

Eye Care

We have remedies to all your eye problems from less serious watering, floaters, Allergic Conjunctivitis, pain and strain to complex ailments like Diabetic Retinopathy, Progressive Myopia, Cataract, Dry Eye Syndrome, Corneal Ulcers, Macular Degeneration, Uveitis etc. We provide special treatments for High Myopic Degeneration, Squint, Glaucoma, Retinitis Pigmentosa etc too.


Ayurvedic cure for ENT diseases comprises of finding the root cause of the and treating it with right diet, lifestyle and herbal remedies. Our specialist expert team give solutions to all type of ENT diseases like Allergic Rhinitis, Chest Infection, Common Cold, Dizziness, Ear Infection,Ear Pain, Hearing Loss, Nose Bleed, Snoring etc.


Light allergies are part of everyday life. Allergic rhinitis, hay fever etc, are most common. Edhini has specialised team to deal with all types of allergic conditions. The most common allergens are dust, Pollen, food proteins, certain medications, cosmetics, latex, etc. The root cause of the allergic attack will be diagnosed and herbal remedy will be provided to you.

Gastrointestinal Disease

Get your digestive system functioned normally by herbal treatment. The causes of gastric problem are inappropriate eating habits accompanied with certain poor lifestyle choices. Increasing age, certain infections, and other diseases of the GI tract are also responsible for gastrointestinal diseases. Ayurvedic treatment of gastric problem looks at finding out the root cause of the problem and correcting it. It also gives guidelines for maintaining Gastric health through simple changes in food and lifestyle.

Respiratory Diseases

Difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath can ruin your days and nights. Get the perfect treatment from renowned ayurvedic experts here. Wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, cough etc are the symptoms of such diseases. We are specialised in treating all types of respiratory ailments like Bronchial Asthma, Allergic Rhinitis, RRTI etc.

Psychotherapy & Counselling

Mood swings killing your peace of mind? Unexplained depression conquering your mind? In the grip of anxiety or fear?. Reach Edhini. Get proper psychological treatment for conditions like fear, anxiety, OCD, sexual disorder etc. We have special sections for marital and pre marital counselling, occupational therapy, de-addiction, special education for learning disabilities and psychotic and neurotic disorders.

Yoga And Naturopathy

Fill positive energy within you with our traditional Yoga and Naturopathy, the holistic approach to treating illness and disorders of all kinds, by stimulating a body’s self-healing mechanism. Naturopathy is a a combination of multiple therapies including herbs, massage, physical manipulations, hydrotherapy, nutritional counseling & much more This treatment offers benefits to maintain a long term optimal health.

Other Specialties

As one of the best kerala ayurvedic treatment centre, Edhini has specialized divisions for all kinds of ailments including critical Neuro related diseases and complex infertility issues.

Cosmetology And Beauty Care


Beauty does not lie in a magic pill.Everyone is beautiful in a unique way you just need a little natural and loving touch with Ayurveda” We bestows perceptual experience of pleasure and satisfaction with natural Ayurvedic drugs and ancient traditional procedures in calm, relaxed and mind soothing expanse as Ayurveda never isolate the involvement of mental and spiritual well being from the concept of Beauty.With the blend of Nuticosmetics the orally ingested functional products promote youthfulness by targeting and reversing specific physiological processes normally associated with aging, such as the irreversible breakdown of cells and tissues.

We also render modernised cosmetology techniques includes platelet rich plasma therapy,Mesotherapy, Glutathione skin whitening. Microneedling for acne scar correction etc.

Edhini is the leading Ayurvedic healthcare provider based in Calicut, India, with ground-breaking advances in the holistic treatment of physical and mental wellness. Having a distinctive existence of more than a decade, Edhini has already earned reputation of being one of the most preferred choices of people in India and abroad.


Edhini Ayurveda Hospital
Near Calicut NIT Campus
Chathamangalam P.O.
Calicut 673601, Kerala, India.
+91 9846 807 396
+91 7593 800 071
+495 228 7089
UAE: 00971 557146000