As one of the best kerala ayurvedic treatment centre, Edhini has specialized divisions for all kinds of ailments including critical Neuro related diseases and complex infertility issues.
Edhini, a unit of Calicut Ayurveda Hospital and Research Centre, is a leading healthcare provider based in Calicut, India, with ground-breaking advances in holistic treatments for physical and mental wellness
Having a distinctive existence of more than a decade, Edhini has already earned reputation of being the centre that provides the best Ayurveda treatment in Kerala. It is the preferred choices of people in India and abroad, especially the Middle East, for all kinds of Ayurveda treatments.
Focusing on authentic Ayurveda combined with today’s possibilities of medical sciences, Edhini offers a perfect alternative to western medicine providing holistic regeneration of the body and mind.
Our proven expertise in allergic asthma treatment, skin allergy treatment in Ayurveda, post-natal treatment, panchakarma treatment for back pain, eye care and spine care and natural treatment for infertility for female etc has already gathered international attention.
As one of the best kerala ayurvedic treatment centre, Edhini has specialized divisions for all kinds of ailments including critical Neuro related diseases and complex infertility issues.
We also render modernised cosmetology techniques includes platelet rich plasma therapy,Mesotherapy, Glutathione skin whitening. Microneedling for acne scar correction etc..
There are various Ayurvedic treatment procedures that are highly beneficial to eliminate toxins from the body and also considered as best in preventive and curative aspects. under the guidance of expert and experienced doctors, Edhini provide the best Ayurvedic treatment.
Abhyanga or body massage is the most important activity mentioned under daily regimen in the classical texts of Ayurveda. Massage is done all over the body from neck to toe. It improves blood circulation and induces deep relaxation of mind and body. Kerala traditional massage, rejuvenation massage and skin care massages are also included under this.
Udwarthanam is done as a massage with herbal powders in opposite direction of hair follicles. It is beneficial in the strengthening of the muscles.
This is a kind of sudation by which medicated steam is applied to the patient’s body for a certain period of time to get perspiration. Medicinal herbs or decoctions are kept boiling in the bashpa sweda yantra from where the steam is generated. The patient is advised to stay inside the steam chamber for a time period after oil massage.
Powder of medicinal plants are tied in a cloth, heated and applied to the body or affected area according to the condition. It can be used with or without oil according to the stage of the disease.
Selected herbal leaves are cut, heated in medicated oil along with garlic, rock salt etc and tied in a cloth. This medicinal bag/ kizhi is dipped in hot medicated oil and applied to the body for a specific period of time.
It is a special preparation of lemon along with other medicines tied in a linen cloth. After a warm oil body massage these kizhi or medicinal bags are dipped in lukewarm oil and applied to the body.
Kerala’s unique contribution to Ayurveda, involves fomentation of the body with a bolus of rice called “njavara rice” cooked in milk and herbal decoction made from root s of sidacordifolia. This cooked rice is tied up in linen bags, are dipped in warm milk and herbal decoction and is massaged into the body. This highly rejuvenates the tissues of the body.
A circular wall of 2 inch thickness is constructed with kneaded dough in the particular area (lumbar/cervical/knee/chest) and warm medicated oil,is poured gently and retained over a period of time. This treatment increases the circulation, nourishes and strengthens the muscle, ligaments , nerves and joints.
it is one of the special traditional therapies of Kerala with exemplary benefits. It is a type of sudation. The term pizhichil and sarvangadhara isused synonymously. Milk, kashaya, dhanyamla,oil and processed buttermilk (thakradhara ) are used for this purpose according to the condition.
Pizhichil literally means ‘squeezing’. Here warm medicated oil is squeezed over patient’s body with a piece of cloth which is dipped in medicated oil.
Sirodhara is pouring the liquid on the forehead in a rhythmic pattern for a stipulated time for getting local and systemic effects. It is one of the most relaxing therapies that lead the entire body into a state of calmness. Dosha specific oil is poured in an even stream on the forehead continuously to pacify the doshas and thereby revitalizing the body and mind, diminishing the effect of stress and strain and strengthening physical constitution.
Sirovasthi involves the application of selected lukewarm oil to the head for a specific period of time. Sirovasthi is an effective treatment for nervous system disorders. Patient is made to sit straight on a chair with long leather cap of 10 inches height tied to the head with the help of a band. Kneaded dough is used to prevent leakage. Lukewarm medicated oil is poured into the leather cap. After a period, oil is removed and gentle massage is given to the patient on the shoulder, neck and forehead.
This is a special treatment procedure of application of medicated paste on the head. The medicated paste is applied over the scalp in a layer of thickness, leaving a small central portion. Head is then covered with leaves.
This is a treatment procedure of retaining medicines over the center of the head.
Abhyanga or body massage is the most important activity mentioned under daily regimen in the classical texts of Ayurveda. Massage is done all over the body from neck to toe. It improves blood circulation and induces deep relaxation of mind and body. Kerala traditional massage, rejuvenation massage and skin care massages are also included under this.
Udwarthanam is done as a massage with herbal powders in opposite direction of hair follicles. It is beneficial in the strengthening of the muscles.
This is a kind of sudation by which medicated steam is applied to the patient’s body for a certain period of time to get perspiration. Medicinal herbs or decoctions are kept boiling in the bashpa sweda yantra from where the steam is generated. The patient is advised to stay inside the steam chamber for a time period after oil massage.
Powder of medicinal plants are tied in a cloth, heated and applied to the body or affected area according to the condition. It can be used with or without oil according to the stage of the disease.
Selected herbal leaves are cut, heated in medicated oil along with garlic, rock salt etc and tied in a cloth. This medicinal bag/ kizhi is dipped in hot medicated oil and applied to the body for a specific period of time.
It is a special preparation of lemon along with other medicines tied in a linen cloth. After a warm oil body massage these kizhi or medicinal bags are dipped in lukewarm oil and applied to the body.
Kerala’s unique contribution to Ayurveda, involves fomentation of the body with a bolus of rice called “njavara rice” cooked in milk and herbal decoction made from root s of sidacordifolia. This cooked rice is tied up in linen bags, are dipped in warm milk and herbal decoction and is massaged into the body. This highly rejuvenates the tissues of the body.
A circular wall of 2 inch thickness is constructed with kneaded dough in the particular area (lumbar/cervical/knee/chest) and warm medicated oil,is poured gently and retained over a period of time. This treatment increases the circulation, nourishes and strengthens the muscle, ligaments , nerves and joints.
it is one of the special traditional therapies of Kerala with exemplary benefits. It is a type of sudation. The term pizhichil and sarvangadhara isused synonymously. Milk, kashaya, dhanyamla,oil and processed buttermilk (thakradhara ) are used for this purpose according to the condition.
Pizhichil literally means ‘squeezing’. Here warm medicated oil is squeezed over patient’s body with a piece of cloth which is dipped in medicated oil.
Sirodhara is pouring the liquid on the forehead in a rhythmic pattern for a stipulated time for getting local and systemic effects. It is one of the most relaxing therapies that lead the entire body into a state of calmness. Dosha specific oil is poured in an even stream on the forehead continuously to pacify the doshas and thereby revitalizing the body and mind, diminishing the effect of stress and strain and strengthening physical constitution.
Sirovasthi involves the application of selected lukewarm oil to the head for a specific period of time. Sirovasthi is an effective treatment for nervous system disorders. Patient is made to sit straight on a chair with long leather cap of 10 inches height tied to the head with the help of a band. Kneaded dough is used to prevent leakage. Lukewarm medicated oil is poured into the leather cap. After a period, oil is removed and gentle massage is given to the patient on the shoulder, neck and forehead.
This is a special treatment procedure of application of medicated paste on the head. The medicated paste is applied over the scalp in a layer of thickness, leaving a small central portion. Head is then covered with leaves.
This is a treatment procedure of retaining medicines over the center of the head.
We have pick up and drop off facilities for our guest from airport and railway station. Special arrangements are available for leizure trip to adjourning Wayanad hill station which will be a unique and refreshing experience.
Edhini is the leading Ayurvedic healthcare provider based in Calicut, India, with ground-breaking advances in the holistic treatment of physical and mental wellness. Having a distinctive existence of more than a decade, Edhini has already earned reputation of being one of the most preferred choices of people in India and abroad.